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ug by brandon johnson

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ug by brandon johnson
[ ] 2014-12-13, 1:29 PM
[Data] life = 1000 attack = 80 defence = 100 fall.defence_up = 50 liedown.time = 60 airjuggle = 15 sparkno = 2 guard.sparkno = 40 KO.echo = 0 volume = 0 IntPersistIndex = 60 FloatPersistIndex = 40 [Size] xscale = 1 ;Horizontal scaling factor. yscale = 1 ;Vertical scaling factor. ground.back = 15 ;Player width (back, ground) ground.front = 13 ;Player width (front, ground) air.back = 12 ;Player width (back, air) air.front = 12 ;Player width (front, air) height = 60 ;Height of player (for opponent to jump over) attack.dist = 160 ;Default attack distance proj.attack.dist = 90 ;Default attack distance for projectiles proj.doscale = 0 ;Set to 1 to scale projectiles too head.pos = -5, -90 ;Approximate position of head mid.pos = -5, -60 ;Approximate position of midsection shadowoffset = 0 ;Number of pixels to vertically offset the shadow draw.offset = 0,0 ;Player drawing offset in pixels (x, y) [Velocity] walk.fwd = 2.3 ;Walk forward walk.back = -2.2 ;Walk backward run.fwd = 4.6, 0 ;Run forward (x, y) run.back = -4.5,-3.8 ;Hop backward (x, y) jump.neu = 0,-8.4 ;Neutral jumping velocity (x, y) jump.back = -2.55 ;Jump back Speed (x, y) jump.fwd = 2.5 ;Jump forward Speed (x, y) runjump.back = -2.55,-8.1 ;Running jump speeds (opt) runjump.fwd = 4,-8.1 ;. airjump.neu = 0,-8.1 ;. airjump.back = -2.55 ;Air jump speeds (opt) airjump.fwd = 2.5 ;. [Movement] airjump.num = 0 ;Number of air jumps allowed (opt) airjump.height = 35 ;Minimum distance from ground before you can air jump (opt) yaccel = .44 ;Vertical acceleration stand.friction = .85 ;Friction coefficient when standing crouch.friction = .82 ;Friction coefficient when crouching ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Format: ; [Statedef STATENO] ; type = ? S/C/A/L stand/crouch/air/liedown ; movetype = ? I/A/H idle/attack/gethit ; physics = ? S/C/A/N stand/crouch/air/none ; juggle = ? air juggle points move requires ; ; [State STATENO, ?] ? - any number you choose ; type = ? ; ... ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 170] type = S ctrl = 0 anim = 170 velset = 0,0 [State 170, 1] type = NotHitBy trigger1 = Time >= 0 value = SCA time = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 180] type = S [State 180, 1] type = VarRandom trigger1 = Time = 0 v = 1 range = 0,74 [State 180, 1] ; CONTAIN HIM! type = ChangeState trigger1 = var(1) = [0, 25] value = 181 [State 180, 2] ; BOOYA! type = ChangeState trigger1 = var(1) = [26, 50] value = 182 [State 180, 2] ; ESPY! type = ChangeState trigger1 = var(1) = [51, 74] value = 183 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Victory 1: YOU CAN ONLY HOPE TO CONTAIN HIM! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 181] type = S ctrl = 0 anim = 181 velset = 0,0 [State 183, 1] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = Time = [0,170] flag = RoundNotOver [State 181, 1] type = playsnd trigger1 = Time = 10 value = 180,4 [State 181, 1] type = NotHitBy trigger1 = Time >= 0 value = SCA time = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Victory 2: BOOYA! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 182] type = S ctrl = 0 anim = 182 velset = 0,0 [State 183, 1] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = Time = [0,170] flag = RoundNotOver [State 181, 1] type = playsnd trigger1 = Time = 40 value = 180,3 [State 181, 1] type = NotHitBy trigger1 = Time >= 0 value = SCA time = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Victory 3: ESPY! ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 183] type = S ctrl = 0 anim = 181 velset = 0,0 [State 183, 1] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = Time = [0,240] flag = RoundNotOver [State 181, 1] type = playsnd trigger1 = Time = 40 value = 180,2 [State 181, 1] type = NotHitBy trigger1 = Time >= 0 value = SCA time = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 191] type = S ctrl = 0 anim = 190 velset = 0,0 [State 191, 1] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = RoundState = 0 value = 190 [State 191, 2] type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = Intro [State 191, 3] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 60 value = 191,0 [State 191, 7] type = ChangeAnim trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 [State 191, 7] type = ChangeState trigger1 = Time = 270 value = 0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 195] type = S ctrl = 0 anim = 195 velset = 0,0 movetype = A physics = S [State 195, 1] type = playsnd trigger1 = animelem = 3 value = 195,0 [State 1020, Blink] type = PalFX trigger1 = animelem = 4, 1 time = 35 add = 0,16,25 sinadd = 64,32,5,3 [State 195, 1] type = CtrlSet trigger1 = Time = 40 value = 1 [State 195, 1] type = poweradd trigger1 = Time > 0 value = 6 [State 195, 2] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 200] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 1 velset = 0,0 ctrl = 0 anim = 200 poweradd = 20 [State 200, 1] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 2 attr = S, NA damage = 15 animtype = Light guardflag = MA hitflag = MAF priority = 3, Hit pausetime = 8, 8 sparkno = 0 sparkxy = -10, -76 hitsound = s3,3 guardsound = 6, 0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 5 ground.hittime = 12 ground.velocity = -4 airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8 air.type = High air.velocity = -1.4,-3 air.hittime = 12 [State 200, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 1 value = 0, 0 [State 200, 7] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 210] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 4 poweradd= 65 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 anim = 210 [State 210, Width] type = Width trigger1 = (AnimElemTime (2) >= 0) && (AnimElemTime (7) < 0) value = 15,0 [State 210, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 2 value = 0, 4 [State 210, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem =4 attr = S, NA animtype = Medium damage = 52 guardflag = MA pausetime = 12,12 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -10,-70 hitsound = s3,5 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -5.5 air.velocity = -2.5,-4 [State 210, 3] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem =8 attr = S, NA animtype = Medium damage = 57,15 guardflag = MA pausetime = 12,12 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -10,-70 hitsound = s3,4 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -5.5 air.velocity = -2.5,-4 ;[State 210, 6] ;type = ChangeAnim ;trigger1 = AnimElemTime(5) > 0 && AnimElemTime(6) <= 0 ;trigger1 = movecontact ;ignorehitpause = 1 ;persistent = 0 ;value = 210 ;elem = 6 [State 210, 7] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 220] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 4 poweradd= 22 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 anim = 220 [State 230, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 2 value = 0, 1 [State 230, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = S, NA animtype = Heavy damage = 77 guardflag = MA pausetime = 12,12 sparkno = 0 sparkxy = -10,-37 hitsound = 5,3 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 10 ground.hittime = 12 ground.velocity = -5 air.velocity = -2.5,-3.5 [State 230, 3] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 230] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 5 poweradd= 65 ctrl = 0 velset = 0,0 anim = 230 [State 240, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 2 value = 0, 1 [State 240, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 3 attr = S, NA animtype = Light damage = 22 guardflag = MA pausetime = 7,7 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -10,-60 hitsound = S3,3 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -6 air.velocity = -2.2,-3.2 [State 240, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = S, NA animtype = Medium damage = 80,20 guardflag = MA pausetime = 15,15 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -10,-60 hitsound = S3,5 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -6 air.velocity = -2.2,-3.2 [State 240, 3] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 x = 12 [State 240, 4] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 400] type = C movetype= A physics = C juggle = 5 poweradd= 15 ctrl = 0 anim = 400 [State 400, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 1 value = 0, 0 [State 400, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = C, NA damage = 40,10 priority = 3 animtype = Light hitflag = MAF guardflag = L pausetime = 10,11 sparkno = 0 sparkxy = -10,-42 hitsound = s3,3 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 4 ground.hittime = 12 ground.velocity = -4 air.velocity = -1.5,-3 ;[State 400, 3] ;type = CtrlSet ;trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 ;value = 1 [State 400, 4] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 11 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 410] type = C movetype= A physics = C juggle = 6 poweradd= 50 ctrl = 0 anim = 410 [State 410, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 1 value = 0, 0 [State 410, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 2 attr = C, NA damage = 50,10 animtype = Medium hitflag = MAF guardflag = M pausetime = 12,12 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -10,-55 hitsound = s3,4 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -4 air.velocity = -3,-4 [State 410, 3] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 3 attr = C, NA damage = 50,10 animtype = Medium hitflag = MAF guardflag = MA pausetime = 12,12 sparkxy = -10,-83 hitsound = s3,4 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -7 air.velocity = -3,-4 [State 410, 4] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 11 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 430] type = C movetype= A physics = C juggle = 5 poweradd= 22 ctrl = 0 anim = 430 [State 430, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 1 value = 0, 0 [State 430, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = C, NA damage = 20 animtype = Light hitflag = MAFD guardflag = L pausetime = 7 ,8 sparkno = 0 sparkxy = -10,-8 hitsound = 5,1 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 6 ground.hittime = 12 ground.velocity = -5 air.velocity = -2,-3 down.velocity = -5,0 down.hittime = 20 [State 430, 3] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 11 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 440] type = C movetype= A physics = C juggle = 7 poweradd= 70 ctrl = 0 anim = 440 [State 440, 2] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 2 value = 0, 2 [State 440, 3] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 2 attr = C, NA damage = 27 hitflag = MAFD guardflag = L pausetime = 12,12 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -5,-10 hitsound = s3,5 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 3 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -1.5 air.velocity = -1.2,-3 guard.velocity = -5 [State 440, 3] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 3 attr = C, NA damage = 27 hitflag = MAFD guardflag = L pausetime = 12,12 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -5,-10 hitsound = s3,5 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 5 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -1.5 air.velocity = -1.2,-3 guard.velocity = -5 [State 440, 4] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 11 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 600] type = A movetype= A physics = A juggle = 2 poweradd= 11 ctrl = 0 anim = 600 [State 600, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 1 value = 0, 0 [State 600, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = A, NA damage = 40,10 guardflag = HA priority = 3 pausetime = 7,10 sparkno = 0 sparkxy = -10,-58 hitsound = s3,3 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 5 ground.hittime = 5 ground.velocity = -4 air.velocity = -1.3,-3 [State 600, 3] type = CtrlSet trigger1 = Time = 17 value = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 610] type = A movetype= A physics = A juggle = 4 poweradd= 65 ctrl = 0 anim = 610 [State 610, 2] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 2 value = 0, 1 [State 610, 3] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = A, NA damage = 70,10 guardflag = HA priority = 4 pausetime = 9 ,15 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -10,-55 hitsound = s3,4 guardsound = 6,0 animtype = Med ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 17 ground.hittime = 17 ground.velocity = -5 air.velocity = -3,-4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 630] type = A movetype= A physics = A juggle = 3 poweradd= 20 ctrl = 0 anim = 630 [State 630, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 1 value = 0, 0 [State 630, 2] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 3 attr = A, NA damage = 85 guardflag = HA priority = 3 pausetime = 8,12 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -5,-35 hitsound = 5,0 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 6 ground.hittime = 6 ground.velocity = -4 air.velocity = -2,-3 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 650] type = A movetype= A physics = A juggle = 4 poweradd= 65 ctrl = 0 anim = 650 [State 640, 2] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 2 value = 0, 1 [State 640, 3] type = HitDef trigger1 = Time = 0 attr = A, NA damage = 40,10 guardflag = HA priority = 4 pausetime = 9 ,16 sparkno = 1 sparkxy = -10,-40 hitsound = 5,2 guardsound = 6,0 animtype = Med ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 17 ground.hittime = 17 ground.velocity = -5 air.velocity = -3,-4 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 1000] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 4 poweradd= 110 velset = 0,0 anim = 1000 ctrl = 0 [State 1000, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 8 value = 0, 3 [State 1000, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 10 value = 1000,0 [State 1000, 2] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 x = 20 [State 1000, 3] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 9 trigger2 = AnimElem = 10 x = 2 [State 1000, 4] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 6 x = 5 [State 1000, 5] ;Opponent near type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 trigger1 = p2bodydist X < 40 attr = S, SA animtype = Hard damage = 100,30 priority = 6 guardflag = MA pausetime = 15,15 sparkxy = -10,-60 hitsound = s3,7 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -4,-3.5 air.velocity = -4,-3 fall = 1 [State 1000, 6] ;Opponent not near type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 trigger1 = p2bodydist X >= 40 attr = S, SA animtype = Hard damage = 85,30 priority = 5 guardflag = MA pausetime = 15,15 sparkxy = -10,-60 hitsound = s3,4 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -7 air.velocity = -4,-2.5 [State 1000, 6] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 8 x = -5 [State 1000, 7] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Strong Kung Fu Palm ; CNS difficulty: medium [Statedef 1010] type = S movetype= A physics = S juggle = 4 poweradd= 120 velset = 0,0 anim = 1010 ctrl = 0 [State 1010, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 9 value = 0, 3 [State 1000, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 10 value = 1000,0 [State 1010, 2] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 x = 20 [State 1010, 3] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 9 trigger2 = AnimElem = 10 x = 3 [State 1010, 4] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 6 x = 5 [State 1010, 5] type = VelSet trigger1 = AnimElem = 5 x = 10 [State 1010, 6] ;Opponent near type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 trigger1 = p2bodydist X < 40 attr = S, SA animtype = Hard damage = 100,30 priority = 6 guardflag = MA pausetime = 15,15 sparkxy = -10,-60 hitsound = s3,7 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -4,-3.5 air.velocity = -4,-3 fall = 1 [State 1010, 7] ;Opponent not near type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 trigger1 = p2bodydist X >= 40 attr = S, SA animtype = Hard damage = 89,30 priority = 5 guardflag = MA pausetime = 15,15 sparkxy = -10,-60 hitsound = s3,4 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 12 ground.hittime = 15 ground.velocity = -7 air.velocity = -4,-2.5 [State 1010, 8] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Statedef 1020] type = S movetype= A physics = N juggle = 6 poweradd= 200 velset = 0,0 anim = 1020 ctrl = 0 [State 1020, Friction] type = VelMul trigger1 = Time >= 0 x = .85 * ifelse (AnimElemTime(6) < 0, 1, .8) [State 1000, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 10 value = 1000,0 [State 1020, Afterimage] type = AfterImage trigger1 = Time = 0 length = 13 PalBright = 30, 30, 0 PalContrast = 70, 70, 20 PalAdd = -10,-10,-10 PalMul = .85,.85,.50 TimeGap = 1 FrameGap = 2 Trans = Add time = 2 [State 1020, Afterimage] type = AfterImageTime trigger1 = (Time >= 0) && (AnimElemTime(8) < 0) time = 2 [State 1020, Blink Yellow] type = PalFX trigger1 = Time = 0 time = 20 add = 32,16,0 sinadd = 64,32,5,3 [State 1020, 1] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = Time = 2 value = 0, 3 [State 1020, 2] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 x = 20 [State 1020, 3] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 9 trigger2 = AnimElem = 10 x = 10 [State 1020, 4] type = PosAdd trigger1 = AnimElem = 6 x = 5 [State 1020, 5] type = VelSet trigger1 = AnimElem = 4 x = 18 [State 1020, 6] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 7 attr = S, SA animtype = Hard damage = 150,40 getpower = 0 priority = 5 guardflag = MA pausetime = 8,7 sparkxy = -10,-60 hitsound = s3,7 guardsound = 6,0 ground.type = Low ground.slidetime = 20 ground.hittime = 20 ground.velocity = -8,-7 guard.velocity = -7 air.velocity = -8,-7 airguard.velocity = -5, -4 fall = 1 p2stateno = 1025 [State 1020, 7] type = ChangeState trigger1 = AnimTime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 ;------------------ [Statedef 1025] type = A movetype= H physics = N velset = 0,0 [State 1025, Anim] type = ChangeAnim2 trigger1 = Time >= 0 value = 1025 [State 1025, State] type = ChangeState trigger1 = HitShakeOver = 1
Category: Others
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