the earthquake mesesd up their entire schedule. Umm .. so? People aren't driven by companies who update as frequent as possible. People want quality, unless I'm the only sane person here who still believes that we can still get that at times.Also look at another fighting game, BlazBlue. They've had huge,(subjective) balancing and changes in the past year, all of which are FREE.Capcom is doing this because they have a large market with the fighting game community and could care less about what they do. While MK9, BlazBlue, Arcana Hearts 3, and other fighting games are holding their fans by giving what they want, or what is acceptable in a update .Mind you, Guilty Gear made many games but took advantage of that time where the fighting game community was still easy to play a lot of fighters. Or paying 50 bucks ONCE and getting the total experience, with future updates? Watch what you believe in. One DISC ONLY expansion will only be the start. Really think hard about when I say, what is holding Capcom back from making more Ultimate expansions retailing for at least $20.00?MEGAMAN will most likely come back, in ANOTHER VERSION, almost a mirror to SSFIVAE's Yun and Yang.