Resident Evil 6 is a good game. It had some improvements, new<a href=""> stffus</a>, but it's still a disappointment to me. I really like the Resident Evil universe, but it turned me down again. Many of us are betrayed by the current director of the Resident Evil game.I would prefer playing only the Leon's campaign because it tried to continue the tradition of horror genre. I played Jake's campaign because of Sherry. I strongly recommend not playing Chris's campaign because it's just a rewind of Resident Evil 5 with dumb conversations between Chris and the BSAA operators.They've got to do better in the next game. Erase the parts where you have combat with INTELLIGENT ZOMBIES and bring back the REAL HORROR. I really hope they do that. I can't wait to see Joe's review.I'm really sad because when the next game comes out, Leon and Chris is going to get older or we won't be able to see them for a while until another game shows up. It would be great to see Sheva and Helena come out again, but I DO NOT want to see Jake in the next game. Jake is the most uninteresting character I've ever seen in the Resident Evil universe.