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Geese, by Phantom.of.the.Server

Main » Files » SNK » Fatal Fury [ Add character or stage ]

Geese, by Phantom.of.the.Server
[ · DOWNLOAD Geese, by Phantom.of.the.Server () ] 2010-03-18, 6:55 PM
very tech character study and practice his moves and diverce counters to succeed victory also the ai is very hard 2 beat

- Customized version of SNK Playmore's Geese character, for Linux and Windows Mugen

very detailed sprite


- All the essential stuff
- Details and moves taken from his various video-game appearances
- Gameplay mixed from several games, including CvS2, KOF, SFZ3 and SF3
- Special intros versus Terry, Rock and my Vega
- Special victory pose against several Fatal Fury chars
- Midnight Bliss special animation
- A.I.


U - up x - weak punch a - weak kick
D - down y - medium punch b - medium kick
F - forward z - strong punch c - strong kick
B - back p - any punch k - any kick
s - start 2p- two punches 2k- two kicks

(Air) - Move must be performed in the air.
(EX) - Move has an EX version, performed by pressing two punch/kick buttons.
(MAX) - Use two punch/kick buttons when performing a Super move to power it up.


.Fudou Sakkatsu Uraken: F + z
.Raikou Mawashi Geri: B + c
.Kosetsu Shou: F/B + 2p (near opponent)
.Shinkuu Nage: F/B + 2k (near opponent)
.Raimei Gouha Nage: D + 2p (near downed opponent)


.Reppuken (EX): D, DF, F, x/y
.Double Reppuken: D, DF, F, z
.Jaeiken (EX): F, DF, D, DB, B, k
.Hishou Nichirin Zan (EX): F, D, DF, k
.Shippu Ken (EX): D, DB, B, p (Air)
.Joudan Atemi Nage (EX): F, DF, D, DB, B, x
.Chuudan Atemi Nage (EX): F, DF, D, DB, B, y
.Gedan Atemi Nage (EX): F, DF, D, DB, B, z


.Raising Storm (MAX): F, DF, D, DB, B, D, p
.Rashoumon (MAX): 270º + k
.Kyokuu Reppu Zan (MAX): D, DF, F, D, DF, F, p

<Lv3 Super>

.Deadly Rave: F, DF, D, DB, B, 2k
.Deadly Rave Finish: x, x, a, a, y, b, z, c, D, DB, B, z
.Raging Dead End: D, DB, B, D, DB, B, 2p


.Forward Dash: F, F
.Run: hold
.Backward Dash: B, B
.Low Jump: tap U
.High Jump: tap D, U
.Long Low Jump: tap D, tap U
.Sidestep: a + x
.Sidestep Attack: p / k
.Forward Roll: F + a + x
.Backward Roll: B + a + x
.Parry High: tap F
.Parry Low: tap D
.Air Parry: tap F (Air)
.Power Charge: hold b+y
.Zero Counter: B, DB, D, p/k (during standing or crouching guard)
.Custom Combo: c + z (Air also)
.Fall Recovery: 2p / a + x (while falling and allowed)

=====<Move Details>=====

- Fudou Sakkatsu Uraken can be canceled into Special/Super attacks if you combo into it
- Second hit of Hishou Nichirin Zan is an overhead
- EX Hishou Nichirin Zan can be juggled after with any attack if its three hits connected
- Chuudan Atemi Nage reverses mid-level normal attacks
- Gedan Atemi Nage reverses low normal attacks
- Joudan Atemi Nage reverses jumping attacks, specials and supers
- All Atemi Nage moves share the same EX version, which reverses low and mid-level normal
- Raising Storm and Kyokuu Reppu Zan can negate projectiles
- Rashoumon is unblockable
- Rashoumon is not comboable unless you Super Cancel into it
- MAX Kyokuu Reppu Zan is only fully performed if Geese connects with the last punch
- Raging Dead End reverses all physical attacks

=====<Gameplay Notes>=====

- Some Normal attacks can be canceled into Command, Special and Super moves
- Some Special moves can be canceled into Super moves
- Some Lv1 Super moves can be canceled into MAX Super moves
- Cancelling a Special, Super move or Custom Combo into a Super move resets the juggle points
but also reduces its damage

- Removes cancellable attack restrictions and gives you a lot of freedom to combo them
- Juggle limit is lifted
- You can only use EX Special or Super moves from the point the character starts flashing
faster and brighter, and doing so ends Custom Combo
- Gives you a short invulnerability window at the start

=====<Version History>=====

- First release

=====<What's Missing>=====

- Testing
- Some tweaking and palettes

=====<Special Thanks>=====

- The Dreamslayer, for ripping Geese's sprites
- Kaihoku_ic, for his Touhou sprite rips
- VioFitz, for tweaking a couple of sprites
- WildTengu, for providing the artwork used in his large and super portraits
- You, for downloading my char wink


- The Geese Howard character is property of SNK Playmore
- Capcom vs SNK is property of Capcom
- This Mugen character is a non-profit fan work, it cannot be used for any commercial purposes

Category: Fatal Fury | Added by: sonicx
Views: 3915 | Downloads: 751 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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