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DrRobotnik(ver2.0) by Txpot

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DrRobotnik(ver2.0) by Txpot
[ · DOWNLOAD DrRobotnik(ver2.0) by Txpot () ] 2010-03-31, 6:03 AM
#Moves List#


QCF : Quater Circle Forward - Down, Down-Forward, Forward.
QCB : Quater Circle Back - Down, Down-Back, Back.
QCF (X2) : Quater Circle Forward twice.
QCB (X2) : Quater Circle Back twice.
?/? : Either the frst button, or the second button.
?+? : Both buttons.
(Air) : Indicates that the move can be done in the air.

#Normal Moves#

A/B = Kick Buttons.

X/Y = Punch Buttons.

Start = Taunt

Launchers = Standing Hard Punch (Y).

Push-Block = When hit while blocking, press any two punch buttons.

#Special Things About This Creation#

1. Robotnik can block without taking any damage. However, he cannot block if the "Mecha Sonic" helpers are out!


#Special Moves#

Super Jump: Down, Up OR Down, Up Forward OR Down, Up Back.

Super Jumps let you reach for the sky!...Or rather, let you dodge attacks or follow up a combo. Hold up when Standing Hard Punch connects, and you'll chase the oppoment skywards to rank up combos!

Gun: QCB + X or Y.

A projectile attack that shoots various things. The damage depends on the projectile, while the speed of the projectile depends on the button pushed. You can have up to 3 projectiles on the field at any time. The list is as follows:

(√) 1. Rings that have magnetic properties and can heal either you or your teammates 20 points!
(√) 2. Black bean that causes an earthquake when it hits the ground!
(√) 3. Blue bean that can pierce through enemies and deal great damage!
(√) 4. Green bean that acts as a banana peel when it falls on the floor!
(√) 5. Yellow bean that can split into multiple yellow beans!
(√) 6. Red bean that can chase enemies and deal damage!
(√) 7. Purple bean that sticks on enemies and deal great damage!

Summon Helper: See below for commands.

Robotnik summons a helper to do the dirty work for him. You can summon up to four different helpers, each with a different action. However, you can only call on them one at a time! If you use the "Mecha Sonic" helpers, you won't be able to block until they disappear!

Metal Sonic: QCF + C

Metal Sonic charges forward and can either electrocute or gore enemies.

Metal Knuckles: QCB + C

Metal Knuckles can throw a bomb that detonates on contact or while on the ground to do a lot of damage!

Mecha Sonic Grabber: QCB + Z

Mecha Sonic can grab oppoments using a machine, then slam them down for damage!

Mecha Sonic: QCF + Z

Mecha Sonic can fire spines as well as cut enemies up with his "Hair" blades.

Drill Drive(Air): QCF + A or B.

A drill attack that charges forward and gores enemies. The speed depends on the button pushed.

Robotnik Spinner(Air): QCF + X or Y.

A spinning attack that charges forward and hits multiple times. The direction depends on the button pushed.



Robotnik Hyper Beam: QCF + any two punch buttons. Needs 1 powerbar to use.

Robotnik is packing a lot of heat with his beam cannon! It has a very large range, and can dish out the smackdown on smaller characters too! You can do up to 45 hits.

Robotnik Double Hyper Beam: B+Y. Needs 3 powerbars to use with Metal Sonic, but only needs 1 powerbar to use without Metal Sonic.

Not only is Robotnik packing heat with his beam cannon, but he also summons Metal Sonic to join in the fun! Double the beam cannons, double the power! However, if you try to use this super while Metal Sonic is on the field, Robotnik will do this move by himself, and the move will only use up 1 powerbar.

Plane Drive(Air): QCF + any two kick buttons. Needs 1 powerbar to use.

Robotnik suddenly charges forward with a plane! Robotnik then proceeds to drill into his oppoments! After a short time, Robotnik returns to his standing state.

Robotnik Grab Machine: QCB + any two kick buttons. Needs 1 powerbar to use, but only if the "Mecha Sonic Grabber" helper is not on the field.

Robotnik jumps out of the arena. Seconds later, he comes down with a grabbing machine! Robotnik then proceeds to grab his oppoment! If this move connects, he will lift up the oppoment into the air, then come down quickly and slam the oppoment down! This move is very powerful if the oppoment is able to be grabbed! If the oppoment isn't grabbed, Robotnik returns to his standing state after a short time. However, If you use the "Mecha Sonic Grabber" helper, you won't be able to use this move until it disappears!

Machine War Party: Z+C. Needs 5 Powerbars to use it.

Robotnik runs out of the arena. Seconds later, he comes to the arena with a barriage of various machines! Each machine has a different effect, and can do different amounts of damage per hit. This super works well in team battles, as some of the machines can pierce through oppoments! Eggman returns to his standing state after all the machines have gone past.

Robotnik Fire Barriage: QCB + any two punch buttons. Needs 1 powerbar to use.

Robotnik uses his machine to shoot fireballs in three different directions! Press up or down to shoot up or down. Don't do anything to shoot forwards.

Robotnik Spinner Drive: A+X. Needs 1 powerbar to use.

Robotnik uses his spinning machine to hit each side of the stage! If the move connects, it traps the enemy in the spinner and deals a great amount of damage! Robotnik returns to his standing state after a short time. Press forward and back to move forward and back respectively!



Robotnik can perform different attacks into combos to damage the oppoment. The attacks for the combo can be made up of standing attacks, crouching attacks, and even aerial attacks to perform combos known as "Aerial Raves".

To perform Aerial Raves, first start off the combo with an attack that launches the oppoment up into the air, like Crouching Hard Punch. Then, follow that attack with a superjump, by holding UP after the launcher connects. Finally, string aerial attacks together to perform aerial combos. Here is the gist of what is summed up here:

Launcher > Super Jump > X > X > Y


Combo 1: Standing Weak Punch > Standing Medium Punch > Standing Hard Punch > Super Jump > Jump Weak Punch, Jump Medium Punch > Jump Strong Punch.

Combo 2: Standing Weak Punch > Standing Medium Punch > Standing Hard Punch > Super Jump > Jump Weak Punch, Jump Medium Punch > Robotnik Spinner Weak > Jump Strong Punch > Robotnik Spinner Weak (If you're quick enough!)

Combo 3: Standing Weak Punch > Standing Medium Punch > Standing Hard Punch > Robotnik Spinner Weak > Standing Hard Punch, Super Jump > Robotnik Spinner Weak/Plane Drive/Robotnik Spinner Drive

Category: Sonic | Added by: jb
Views: 4381 | Downloads: 1322 | Rating: 0.0/0 |
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