[Preview] Part A Part B Video: [Comment] (Copied from readme) The stage was made using a concept of the awakening on an ancient entity. Which is the reason why I used a lot of runes in the stage to give it that Mythical-ish feeling to it with a lttle twist (as you can see, the temple has a futuristic structure lol) The stage is divided into 2 parts, the second part happens after around 30-50 seconds after the battle starts. (I wish MUGEN had fight rounds coding.. It would be interesting if the second part happened right at round 2 & 3) - Part A being the Awakening, nothing strange happens in his part - Part B called the Infection, where the ancient Runes of Luciferos start to appear on the screen & the Temple in the middle starts to crumble & fall below the floor There are 2 def files one with a stage Intro called VP_Awakening_Intro, & one without. Take ur pick & see which one u prefer. I hope u enjoy this stage I made.